25032010 FISH! FOR LIFE!

A Remarkable Way to Achieve Your Dreams

my beloved mom gave me this book last summer.
well,every presents were given for plenty of reasons,right?
i just read the introduction, and wow!
how amazing life can be, how opportunity can come and pass by without knowing,even after forty years.
life is unpredictable.

ah today.


well wappy,

i had an exam today.
it went urm...
not very good.
thank god it is just a quiz, not the real exam.

today these uncivilized people were fighting, again!
first fight took place at noon, between this mama and a driver,
second fight, i don't know, sound to me it's a very serious matter,
(those men brought a very long stick and smashed into something i don't know,because the place was out of my radar. the smashing sound was frightening, seriously!)
o man, where is the peace?
why we need to fight with each other,
even amongst friends?

this is soooo selFISH!

24032010 same mistake, again and again.

i am not talking about anyone else but only me.
my mistake

i am repeating the same mistake, but where is the resolution to make sure the same mistake will never happen again?
i keep making other people frustrated with my attitudes.
by keeping them waiting for me.
for how long?
starting with 30minutes, follow by 2 hours, then 4 hours.
this is totally ridiculous.

if i were somebody else, would i wait for them?
would i be patient if i need to keep waiting and waiting and again waiting for i don't know, maybe for the hundred times in a year?
oh believe me, i wouldn't.

come on!
wake up!
nobody is going to wait for you to change!
it is your choice to be a better person.
why wait?

23032010 this is REAL!

the reality is...
say hi to the timetable for june examination.
good luck!

¬i hope this one will be my last :))


seriously, i don't know how many blogs i have created. and how many times its been terminated.
so hoping for the serious long-lasting blog, well you know, blog is almost the same as boyfriend, where you tell all stories to, where you put some notes as reminder, a place to shout everything in your mind, a heaven of wonderful colorful (maybe bittersweet) memories. so i guess you are going to be my long-lasting boyfriend, would you happywappy? (my blog's,oopppsss sorry, my boyfriend's name).

till now, buhbye (my mom's favorite word)