dah lama, lama, lama tak tulis apa-apa.
it's time to write something.
The state or quality of being tenacious: "Social styles developed in the 19th century withstand, with sporelike tenacity, all that the present century can throw at them" (Larry McMurty).
( tenacious ; Holding or tending to hold persistently to something, such as a point of view.)
The act of observing or the condition of being observed.
لا إله إلا الله الملك الحق المبين،لا إله إلا الله العدل اليقين،لا إله إلا
الله ربنا ورب آبائنا الأولين،سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين،لا إله إلا الله
وحده لا شريك له،له الملك وله الحمد يُحيي ويُميت وهو حي لا يموت، بيده الخير
وإليه المصير، وهو على كل شيء قدير.لا إله إلا الله إقراراً بربوبيته،سبحان
الله خضوعاً لعظمته،اللهمَّ يا نور السماوات والأرض، يا عماد السماوات الأرض،
يا جبار السماوات والأرض، يا ديان السماوات والأرض، يا وارث السماوات والأرض،
يا مالك السماوات والأرض، يا عظيم السماوات والأرض، يا عالم السماوات والأرض،
يا قيوم السماوات والأرض، يا رحمن الدنيا ورحيم الآخرة.اللهمَّ إني أسألك، أن
لك الحمد، لا إله إلا أنت الحنان المنان، بديع السماوات والأرض، ذو الجلال
والإكرام، برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.بسم الله أصبحنا وأمسينا، أشهد أن لا إله
إلا الله وأن محمد رسول الله، وأن الجنة حق، والنار حق، وأن الساعة آتية لا
ريب فيها، وأن الله يبعث من في القبور.الحمد لله الذي لا يُرجى إلا فضله، ولا
رازق غيره.الله أكبر ليس كمثله شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع
البصير.اللهمَّ إني أسألك في صلاتي ودعائي بركة تُطهر بها قلبي، وتكشف بها
كربي، وتغفر بها ذنبي، وتُصلح بها أمري، وتُغني بها فقري، وتُذهب بها شري،
وتكشف بها همي وغمي، وتشفي بها سقمي، وتقضي بها ديني، وتجلو بها حزني، وتجمع
بها شملي، وتُبيّض بها وجهي.يا أرحم الراحمين.اللهمَّ إليك مددتُ يدي، وفيما
عندك عظمت رغبتي، فأقبل توبتي، وأرحم ضعف قوتي، وأغفر خطيئتي، وأقبل معذرتي،
وأجعل لي من كل خير نصيباً، وإلى كل خير سبيلاً برحمتك يا أرحم
الراحمين.اللهمَّ لا هاديَ لمن أضللت، ولا معطيَ لما منعت، ولا مانع لما
أعطيت، ولا باسط لما قبضت، ولا مقدم لما أخرت، ولا مؤخر لما قدمت.اللهمَّ أنت
الحليم فلا تعجل، وأنت الجواد فلا تبخل، وأنت العزيز فلا تذل، وأنت المنيع فلا
تُرام، وأنت المجير فلا تُضام ، وأنت على كل شيء قدير.اللهمَّ لا تحرم سعة
رحمتك، وسبوغ نعمتك، وشمول عافيتك، وجزيل عطائك، ولا تمنع عني مواهبك لسوء ما
عندي، ولا تُجازني بقبيح عملي، ولا تصرف وجهك الكريم عني برحمتك يا أرحم
الراحمين.اللهمَّ لا تحرمني وأنا أدعوك... ولا تخيبني وأنا أرجوك.اللهمَّ إني
أسألك يا فارج الهم، ويا كاشف الغم، يا مجيب دعوة المضطرين، يا رحمن الدنيا،
يا رحيم الآخرة، أرحمني برحمتك.اللهمَّ لكَ أسلمتُ، وبكَ آمنتُ، وعليكَ
توكلتُ، وبكَ خاصمتُ وإليكَ حاكمتُ، فاغفر لي ما قدمتُ وما أخرتُ، وما أسررتُ
وما أعلنتُ، وأنتَ المقدم وأنتَ المؤخر. لا إله إلا أنت الأول والأخر والظاهر
والباطن، عليكَ توكلتُ، وأنتَ رب العرش العظيم.اللهمَّ آتِ نفسي تقواها، وزكها
يا خير من زكاها، أنت وليها ومولاها يا رب العالمين.اللهمَّ إني أسألك مسألة
البائس الفقير ـ وأدعوك دعاء المفتقر الذليل، لا تجعلني بدعائك ربي شقياً، وكن
بي رؤفاً رحيماً يا خير المئولين، يا أكرم المعطين، يا رب العالمين.اللهمَّ رب
جبريل وميكائيل واسرافيل وعزرائيل، اعصمني من فتن الدنيا ووفقني لما تُحب
وترضى، وثبتني بالقول الثابت في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة ـ ولا تضلني بعد أن
هديتني وكن لي عوناً ومعيناً، وحافظاً و ناصراً. آمين يا رب العالمين.اللهمَّ
أستر عورتي وأقبل عثرتي، وأحفظني من بين يديَّ ومن خلفي، وعن يميني وعن شمالي،
ومن فوقي ومن تحتي، ولا تجعلني من الغافلين.اللهمَّ إني أسألكَ الصبر عند
القضاء، ومنازل الشهداء، وعيش السعداء، والنصر على الأعداء، ومرافقة الأنبياء،
يا رب العالمين
episode 4 : presenting...another lies!
![]() | Activists hold down an Israeli commando on the Gaza-bound ship Mavi Marmara, May 31 2010 |
Photo by: Reuters |
well what are you thinking after seeing this? how terrorist the peace activist on the Mavi Marmara? if you think logically, how come the peace activist with no weapon can do such thing? the truth is these people, i mean the media has manipulate us with pictures and words that never describe what truly happen on Mavi Marmara.
the truth is here...(click on the link.)
the previous post has some problem. you can go to the original website, which i have linked it below the post. thank you.
episode 3 :
never trust what you see because everything is a lie.
June 04, 2010
Eyewitnesses, both activists and reporters, contradict Israeli account
By Steve Hynd
As Israel releases detained activists and journalists after the assault on the Gaza relief flotilla, they are beginning to tell their version of events. The story has so far been dominated by Israeli offical releases and "hasbara" so it's important that the voices of these witnesses are heard by the international community. So far, though, these eyewitness accounts aren't penetrating the U.S. media. If they did, more Americans would doubtless agree with the New York Times editorial calling for a "impartial international investigation" - not a self-serving one run by Israel.
Most importantly, every witness who has so far spoken out contradicts the Israeli account of some kind of self-defense, saying that the Israelis first attacked in boats and that they had already opened fire on the flotilla before commandos began descending from helicopters. They also agree that several people were shot from behind or above, that the Israeli attackers didn't immediately allow treatment of convoy wounded and that weapons ripped from the hands of commandos were stripped of their ammunition and thrown overboard.
Perhaps the best eyewitness account to begin with is that of Paul McGeough, twice named Australia's journalist of the year. He writes:
The Israeli attack was timed for dawn prayers – when a good number of the men aboard the Mavi Marmara were praying on the aft deck of the big Turkish passenger ferry, as it motored steadily through international waters in the eastern Mediterranean Sea....Suddenly sound bombs and tear gas were exploding on the main aft deck, where prayers were held five times a day. The life-jacketed passengers on the rails at first seemed oblivious as those behind them donned the few gas masks that were on board and others, wearing asbestos gloves, sought to grab the devices and hurl them back at the Israeli commandos before they exploded.In failing to get their grappling irons to hold on the rails of the five-deck ferry, the commandos in their Zodiac-style assault craft continued to be an irritant, or perhaps a decoy because at this point the Israelis opted for a critical change of plan – if they could not come up from the water, they would have to drop from the sky.On hearing the machines, activists on the upper decks rushed to the top level of the ship – grabbing the commandos even before they landed, disarming them; beating them until, according to some who were present, leaders demanded the Israelis not be harmed; but in one case, one of the Israelis was hurled from one deck of the ship to the next....There were conflicting accounts of the first commando landing – some activists said he was injured and was being carried inside the ship for treatment by the flotilla doctors. However, a Serbian cameraman, Srojan Stojiljkovic, said some of the activists had armed themselves with lengths of chain and metal posts that had served as cordons around the ship's lifeboats."Some of the people caught the first commando before he touched the deck – a few started to hit him, but a lot of people moved in to shelter him with their bodies," the cameraman said. "Another soldier with a bleeding nose was brought in ... a few people threw punches, but not as many as I would have expected."Matthias Gardel, a leader of the Swedish Palestinian support group, confirmed the soldiers had been beaten, but insisted those involved were unarmed and in keeping with the ship's non-violent charter, the soldiers' weapons were thrown overboard.
McGeough also notes that at least two people were shot from behind while treating wounded, another was shot from above.
The Turkish actor Sinan Albayrak said he had witnessed one of the most senior of the Turkish activists ordering passengers to cease beating two of the Israeli soldiers. Later, he saw a Turkish photographer who had been shot in the back of the head; while he and others had been attempting to assist another injured activist, "Israeli troops had opened fire on them . . . we ran away from the injured man".The dead include a Turkish journalist, Chetin Genghis, whose head wounds suggested he had been shot from above – possibly from one of the helicopters. After witnessing his dying moments, his colleague Hisham Goruney said:"I want to forget – I still don't believe that I saw it."Another of the dead was said to be an Indonesian cameraman, Sura Fachrizaz, shot in the chest. Also among the dead was a Malaysian doctor who, activists said, was shot while treating the wounded.
All of these elements are confirmed by other witness accounts. Canadian Farooq Burney, mentioned byJohn earlier, is head of an organisation that was bringing a consignment of laptops into Gaza to help educate children there.
Speaking from Istanbul, where he arrived after being released from Israeli detention, Burney said the Israeli military began firing objects at the ship before the boarding party landed."There were a lot of gunshot noises that could clearly be heard. Whether they were rubber bullets, whether they were live ammo, there was a lot of gunfire coming from the helicopter, coming from the boats (alongside the Mavi Marmara.)"
Canadian Farooq Burney (37) described how an elderly activist died after being shot in the chest. "We couldn't see where he was hit so we opened up his lifejacket and we could clearly see that he was hit in the chest, he was losing a lot of blood," Mr Burney said."It was on. . . the right, just close to his chest and there was blood coming out from there. He passed away," he added.Mr Burney also said activists who snatched pistols from the commandos removed the bullets and threw them into the sea, contradicting Israeli assertions that the weapons were used against the boarding party.
Gulf News reporter Abbas Al Lawati wrote for his own paper:
As I saw angry activists drag one of the Israeli soldiers down the stairs and punch him, I lost my journalistic objectivity and found myself urging the activist to stop hitting the soldier.Seeing the anger in the activist's eyes, I thought that he would kill him. I had images of the wars that Israel has waged over its captive soldiers, and the number of people that have died as a result of them. My thought was that if an Israeli soldier was to die on that ship, the entire flotilla would be bombed until it sank.That was, of course, before I saw the bloodshed. The activists' anger was suddenly put in context when I saw a number of people carrying a dying man down the stairs. His face was unrecognisable, covered in blood. He was apparently one of the first to go down, after an Israeli gun targeted the centre of his forehead from a helicopter, spilling his brains into the hands of another activist who was trying to look after him.
Lawati also describes meeting one of the Israeli commandos disarmed by the ship's passengers.
I took a few steps down to film the other captive soldier, struggling to keep my balance with so much blood under my feet. He stood in a corner being attended by two medics onboard, in shock, crying.It was surreal. I knew that that soldier could destroy the entire flotilla, and thought I would get some close up footage of him. I took my camera as close as possible to his face and asked his name twice. He was too traumatised to answer. I could see fear of death in his eyes. He was petrified. Then I heard women screaming. "They are coming!"
New Zealand activist Nicola Enchmarch spoke to the NZ Herald:
She said she saw an activist shot on the deck after the forces stormed the ship, part of a flotilla attempting to breach a blockade to deliver aid to Gaza."He was shot in the head - probably live ammunition because the back of his head, the injury was severe," she told the BBC."He died there and we had to move because it was just getting crazy, there was a lot of gunfire coming from all directions."Her group moved down from the deck to shelter inside and escape the danger. On the way she saw a man shot in the back, who survived.She said the activists were acting defensively while the Israeli forces were menacing and aggressive. They set off sound bombs and released what was possibly tear gas.
While Irishman Dr. Fintan Lane spoke of his experience on one of the flotilla's smaller boats.
Dr Lane said he was assaulted: "When they boarded our boat, we resisted entirely peacefully. I sat on the floor and tried to reason with them, but the Israeli commandos physically attacked us," he said."Fiachra [Ó Luain, from Boston USA] was dragged around the ground and I had a gun pointed in my face by a screaming commando. His mania was so intense that I genuinely feared for my life."
Haneen Zuabi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset who has recieved death threats for her participation in the relief convoy, told reporters:
"Israel wanted many deaths to terrorise us and to send a message that no future aid convoys should try to break the siege of Gaza," she told journalists this week.Zuabi said that naval boats surrounded the Mavi Marmara and fired on it before soldiers abseiled aboard from a helicopter. She went below to the ship's hold and said that, within minutes, two dead passengers were brought inside, followed by two more who had been seriously wounded.soldiers refused her requests for medical assistance for the injured passengers, who died shortly after.Zuabi – known in Israel as an articulate Hebrew speaker – said that soldiers specifically asked her to translatetheir instructions. At first, she refused. "I shouted back, 'Why didn't you ask for my help before you murdered these people?'"
Al Jazeera journalist Jamal ElShayyal taped his account for his own station. Juan Cole writes:
he asserted that the Israelis opened fire as they were boarding the vessel, and that one passenger took a bullet through the top of his head. Many passengers have now confirmed that they were fired on even before the commandos had boots on the deck. Presumably it is this suppressive fire that killed or wounded some passengers and which provoked an angry reaction and an attack on the commandos.
now, will you believe what you see?
adiba maimunah mengidam TGI Friday! okay okay kami ikut. diba belanja yeee :D ( i like like like)
sebelum pergi terserempak dengan tilam baru ARMA. mak ai, kalah tilam mak aku beli vono ziana zain tu.
yat cakap 'jom naik teksi', tapi kak sop cakap 'jom naik bus, baru adventure wohaaaaaa'.
finally yat said, ' ok ok'.
on the way muka happy ja. ini situasi sebelum sampai medan abbasiah. dah sampaiiiii.......
panas... bahang... peluh dah mula meleleh, mana tak nya, tunggu bas pukul 2.30 petang.
finally naik jugak bus lepas tunggu dekat setengah jam, and bila sampai berjalan kaki kejap menuju ke bangunan berhawa dingin city star. yat la paling semangat, nak aircond nak aircond. cit, puteri lilin betul.
sampai city star terus pergi tgi friday. lapar beb lapar. kena tunggu depan restoran tunggu turn nak masuk. apa da.
diba la paling excited. kan kan kan.
kami pula kelaparan sampai menjilat jari :(
(besar juga hidung aku hahaha.)
yat konon-konon bertenang tapi perut keroncong tuhan saja yang tahu.
tangkap gambar lalalala
lepas tu kami serang virgin pula
tengah baca ke tengah mengadap phone. tengok diba tu dah beralih posisi dari kanan ke kiri.
finally diba jumpa juga buku pilihan hati. tapi kesian yat, dia tak suka membaca, tengok dia buat apa...
dah bosan buat benda lain pula...
and cubaan yat pula nak kacau aku lepas dah tak tahu nak buat apa...
tahniah yat and diba bila aku bagi respon akhirnya...finally yat penat kacau orang tengok dia buat apa....
dia baca buku juga akhirnya! tengok muka terpaksa. haha, and after that dia paksa aku balik, pasal bosan tunggu aku menghabiskan satu buku. (tak ada duit tumpang baca kat kedai je la)
sempat diba posing depan zara :D.
kemudian, destinasi seterusnya, spinneys. kami terserempak dengan coursemate, dahlia, zuket and ada lagi beberapa kerat orang melayu yang lain.
kemudian, destinasi seterusnya, spinneys. kami terserempak dengan coursemate, dahlia, zuket and ada lagi beberapa kerat orang melayu yang lain.
cili pun jadi la
kopi free. kami pemalu so kami tak minta, diba memang tak malu sikit. so dia dapat la sebab dia minta dekat promoter tu nak kopi free. perlu ke describe everything here? heeee.
aku nak beli susu yat pun sibuk juga. bukan dia beli pun.hahaha
mak bayar semua kan mak :D.
destinasi terakhir, foodcourt.
kureng punya yat dia tolak plastik cover muka aku. aku pun nak masuk gambar juga!
aku tolak balik padan muka yat. yes! ada juga muka aku!
tapi dia tolak balik plastik cover muka aku. cis. tengok lidah dia tu bukan main lagi jelir tanda kemenangan cit.
kesimpulannya : saya happy semalam yay.
this is a bond between two people,
a very special bond,
when you find a friend like you,
then you know you have found a true friend.
to have a friend like you,
is to have a shoulder to cry on,
a helping hand when everything is falling down,
to ease the hurt, to understand,
to laugh happily together in rainy and sunny day.
loyalty and cheer and love,
faith and honest and true.
a special friend is everything in you.
nothing can describe my feeling right now. i miss you ladies so much i can't help to cry. i dreamt of you last night and i know i want to be with you, faizah, meera and caca. to laugh together like once. to cry together and to skip class together. i remember i was alone that time. no friend, nothing in my head. and i found you, three of you, welcoming me to be part of you, part of us. i never have a best friend before. and thank God, alhamdulillah, i found you! once i believed there is no such thing as best friend, but since that day, i know i can count on you forever.
ps : rindu sangat ok. i hope you miss me too.
"Islam teaches that when the enemy comes to you as captives, they're to be treated well,"
AMMAN, Saturday 5 June 2010 (Bernama) -- Dr Syed Muhammad Haleem Syed Hassan still has a pair of trousers he wore during the recent deadly Israeli assault on a Gaza-bound humanitarian aid flotilla, the faded blood stain still visible even after having it washed twice.
Besides treating the injured and witnessing death on the blood-soaked floor of the lead ship "Mavi Marmara", the member of pro-Palestine Malaysian non-governmental organisation (NGO) Haluan Malaysia at one point had a gun pointed to his head.
He and 11 other Malaysian volunteers, including two media representatives, shed tears of joy and embraced each other -- relieved that everybody was safe -- when they were reunited before their eventual release by Israel authorities on Wednesday.
"But the hardship and tension we went through in that one day or so during our close encounter with the Israelis pale in comparison to what the people in Gaza and Palestinians go through daily for years.
"They truly deserve to be called heroes," Dr Syed Muhammad Haleem told Bernama when recounting Monday's attack against the aid vessel in international waters as it sailed to the Gaza Strip, intent on breaking the Israeli blockade imposed on the coastal enclave for the past three years.
His sentiment was shared by the leader of the Malaysian NGOs, Noorazman Mohamad Samsuddin, who heads Haluan Malaysia's Palestine bureau.
"Granted, what we went through was extraordinary and everybody will be talking about it. But I think the real story here is still Gaza, Palestine and the people who are still suffering there," he said.
Judging from the incessant calls they have been receiving not only from family and friends but also media organisations in Malaysia wanting to get details of their experience, the 12 are likely to be in the news for some time to come.
"We'll use every opportunity to continue talking and reminding people on the need to help our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are under Israeli occupation," Noorazman said.
"And the real value of our work lies in sincerity. Once you lose that, whatever you do won't mean a thing," he noted.
Despite not being able to personally deliver the humanitarian supplies to Gaza, the Malaysians were glad that the pre-dawn Israeli attack had thrown an intense spotlight on the Tel Aviv regime and its inhumane treatment of the Palestinians.
Amid international outrage over the deaths of nine activists, Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said Israel's brutality had been laid bare by the bloodletting on the deck of Mavi Marmara, a Turkish vessel.
The incident, he said, had opened the eyes of the world, even among those who had not previously been too sympathetic with the plight of the Palestinians.
The Malaysian volunteers spoke about being handcuffed for 15 hours or more and kicked by Israeli soldiers. A few of them mentioned of being strip-searched.
Noorazman said: "We were split up, if you have another Malaysian with you, it's considered lucky. That caused us to worry about each other. In other instances, we were scolded when we tried to talk to one another."
Astro Awani journalist, Ashwad Ismail, has only respect for the other Malaysian volunteers.
"I've learnt so much from them. They're a dedicated lot and each one of them has a strong fighting spirit," said the 25-year-old who was joined on the trip by the television channel's cameraman Samsul Kamal Abdul Latip.
Ashwad said he felt privileged to have been able to report on the aid flotilla and had a glimpse of the decades-old Palestine-Israel conflict in the space of just over a day.
The organisers of what was dubbed the "Freedom Flotilla" said they were bringing medical supplies, construction materials and school supplies to Gaza.
Muslim Care Malaysia, represented by Halim Mohamed Redzuan, said it brought 300 sets of school bags with nearly 2,000 pens and pencils on the trip.
"This was at one point mentioned by the Gaza flotilla organiser IHH (a Turkish NGO) to underscore the peaceful nature of the convoy," he said.
But what transpired later on was anything but peaceful.
Dr Syed Muhammad Haleem described the upper deck of the Mavi Marmara as a battle zone where general pandemonium reigned as shots were fired at the activists.
He spoke of having to pray in his blood-soaked trousers in between treating the injured.
He remembered being asked by a gun-wielding Israeli soldier whether he loved Palestine -- which he defiantly answered in the affirmative.
"I looked at some of the soldiers in the eye and I could see that they were, in fact, cowards," said the doctor.
But the biggest test came when he had to treat two injured Israeli commandos. "I didn't realise this at first until somebody mentioned it to me. But as a doctor, it's my duty to treat people.
"It did cross my mind that they were the enemy. But my job is different.
"Islam teaches that when the enemy comes to you as captives, they're to be treated well," he explained. (By Muin Abdul Majid/ Bernama)
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